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Small Business Restructuring Case Studies

Small Business Restructuring Information

At Small Business Restructuring Specialists, we work with Australian business owners, directors and their accountants to help navigate the financial aftermath affecting thousands of Australian businesses impacted by world events over the past few years.

You might have:
● Tax debt or ATO repayment plan killing cashflow
● Received an ATO Warning or Director Penalty Notice (DPN)
● A business that would be solvent and profitable if not burdened by debts
If so, then a Restructure could offer the lifeline you need to get you back in the black.

Small Business Restructuring Information

Café and bookstore operating for over 17 years, popular with locals.

COVID restrictions caused an instant decrease in sales revenue causing the café to revert to takeaway sales only with no book sale revenue.
Lack of staff due to staff COVID isolations also reduced operating times

Small Business Restructuring Information

Civil contracting business, mainly operating in western Sydney, contracting primarily to local government projects. Extended COVID restrictions for Western Sydney meant the business could not operate successfully, with contracts put on hold or scaled back.

Find out how SBRS help this business recover through restructuring.

Small Business Restructuring Information

A pool supplies business overwhelmed with over $595,000 of debt, with the director not knowing how to begin to turn the business around. During the COVID period, the Company saw an increase in costs and limited available supplies. This led to an inability to meet increasing ATO and other supplier debt.

Find out how SBRS turn this situation around with small business restructuring.